Exotica Cocos Hookah Coals Meet Your Needs for an Amazing Smoke Session
If you’ve been tuned in to all things
hookah, you’ve probably heard how the coconut charcoal market is experiencing huge supply issues over the past few months. Here at SouthSmoke.com, we have seen how this has negatively impacted our customer's needs for quality hookah coals. The supply for hookah coals simply cannot meet the high demand.

What’s a hookah enthusiast to do? How do you get the great smoke session you want with the hookah coals you want?
Don’t worry! To help with this issue, we have added Exotica Cocos to our lineup of coconut hookah charcoal. Exotica coconut charcoal hookah coals can hang with the very best to give you a great smoke session.
How Exotica Hookah Coals Compare
While the Exotica brand of hookah coals may not be as popular as Coconara in the world of coconut hookah coals, trust us when we tell you they should be. Exotica hookah coals feature an amazing level of quality, even rivalling the more popular Coconara brand.
But what makes Exotica hookah charcoal so amazing? That’s easy. Exotica Cocos is known as the first natural coconut charcoal in the shape of a square to be offered on the market. So sure, the shape is cool, but what does that do? Square hookah coals don’t make a lot of ash, so you can have a mess-free hookah party during and after your session.
And what’s more – Exotica square finger hookah charcoal won’t roll off the top of your
hookah bowls. Exotica coconut charcoal gives you total convenience!
And that’s not the only cool quality of this hookah charcoal. These square hookah charcoal fingers are specifically designed for smoking hookah and are made of all natural coconut husks. What’s so great about coconut charcoal, you ask? Coconut hookah charcoal is odorless, tasteless, won’t crack, and do not contain any chemicals. You’re practically guaranteed a smooth smoke session with only the great taste of your flavored
hookah tobacco bursting in your mouth.
Exotica Cocos come in 1.25 kilo boxes with 25 charcoal fingers. Each hookah charcoal finger breaks into four coals each – that’s 100 hookah charcoal pieces total! The Exotica Cocos can stand with the best, including Coconara and Three Kings charcoal.
We hope you’ll take advantage of the killer opportunity to use these great coconut hookah coals. Just look for the red box marked “Exotica Coco